Doprava zboží po Evropě

International transport


I need international transport

International transport

Spedice Kudrova provides international transports of goods with its own fleet – lowdeck trucks.

Export / import

We provide export/import of goods all around Europe

Weight and volume

Weight from 1 kg to 26 t
Volume from 1 m3 to 120m3

We provide express service all around Europe.

We provide express transport from 1 kg to 1500 kg by delivery vans.

Insurance of the consignment

All shipments are properly insured in accordance with the international convention CMR.

What benefits do you gain by cooperating with our company?

  • Highly professional services

  • Flexibility and quality is a matter of course

  • 24hour logistics service

  • Modern and environmentally friendly fleet

  • Online tracking of  all orders by GPS



Spedice Kudrová s.r.o.
Vídeňská 136/119A
619 01 Brno

IČO:  277 12 516
DIČ: CZ27712516

společnost je zapsána v Obchodním rejstříku, vedeného Krajským soudem v Brně oddíl C, vložka 53850






Spedice Kudrová s.r.o.
Kostomlatská 115

